The Chairman of Tavistock Town Council is the Town Mayor, who presides over Council Meetings and represents Tavistock at Civic and other events.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected by the Town Council at the Annual Meeting in May each year.

At the Annual Meeting of Council on 14th May 2024 Councillor Paul Ward was elected Mayor for the 2024-25 Civic Year.
Councillor Ward was previously Tavistock Town Mayor for the 2022-23 Civic Year.
Councillor Steve Hipsey was elected Deputy Mayor for the 2024-25 Civic Year.
Below is a link to the Mayoral events for the Civic Year: -
The Mayor's Charity for the 2024-25 Civic Year is the New Tavistock Youth Cafe.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor can be invited to functions and events in and around the town.
Attendance forms can be downloaded below, please use the word version to complete on your computer and return via e-mail, or, print off the PDF version to complete by hand.
Attendance Form - Deputy Mayor (Word)
Attendance Form - Deputy Mayor (PDF)
For enquiries regarding the booking of the Mayor for an event, or for a version of the booking form to complete and return by post, please Contact Us.